(en anglais seulement)

On October 1st, 2008, Atlantic PIRI launched an online Atlantic RBCA training course. Training with the Atlantic RBCA software was previously provided in a classroom setting. This online version is available 24/7, is self-paced, ensures learning with a quiz at the end of each module and includes participation in a Webinar session hosted by knowledgeable instructors.

Learn Atlantic RBCA V3 Software online.

The online course provides participants with an opportunity to:

  • Understand how to apply RBCA in the Atlantic Canada regulatory context.
  • Learn fundamentals of risk assessment.
  • Recognize technical aspects specific to the Atlantic RBCA model.
  • Identify approaches to soil vapour assessment.
  • Navigate the Atlantic RBCA Toolkit.
  • Review case studies.

Introduction to Atlantic RBCA Version 3 on-line training is now available.

Participants who enroll in this course have access to a 45 day trial of the Atlantic RBCA Toolkit software.

All participants who successfully complete the course receive a certificate of completion which includes 15 professional development hours.

Renseignements et inscription

For additional information or to register, visit www.rbcatraining.com

L’usage approuvé du logiciel RBCA de l’Atlantique

Atlantic PIRI developed the software RBCA Tool-Kit for Atlantic Canada V3 to facilitate risk assessment and remediation of petroleum-impacted sites in the region. Based on the ASTM Standard PS 104-98 Standard Provisional Guide for Risk-Based Corrective Action, Atlantic RBCA V3 is adapted for Canadian toxicological values for petroleum hydrocarbons and for transport in soil and groundwater conditions found in Atlantic Canada.

Proper application of the tool requires understanding of principles of fate and transport and toxicology. The currently approved application of Atlantic RBCA is outlined in the User Guidance documentation, released in October 2003.

The ultimate goal of the software, and of any training in its use, is acceptance of remedial action plans and final remediation reports by Provincial regulators. The applications of Atlantic RBCA discussed in the User Guidance documentation have been endorsed by regulators in all four Provinces. Questions specific to its application in a particular case should be addressed to Provincial regulators.

NOTE: Participants should have a laptop that is running Excel 97, 2000, 2002 or 2003. The Atlantic RBCA software is not compatible with Excel 2007.

Séances de formation

On October 1st, 2008, the Atlantic PIRI Committee launched an On-Line Atlantic RBCA Training course. Training with the Atlantic RBCA software, previously provided in a classroom setting, is now available online, anytime, anywhere!


From time-to-time, other organizations and institutions offer training on Atlantic RBCA. Atlantic PIRI welcomes this interest and the increased exposure for Atlantic RBCA. However, participants should not assume these initiatives are sponsored or endorsed by Atlantic PIRI.
