The Atlantic Partnership in Risk-Based Corrective Action Implementation (Atlantic PIRI) is a collaborative, multi-stakeholder group that oversees the maintenance and implementation of Atlantic Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador.

Origin and Mandate

Atlantic PIRI was established in 1997 through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by the deputy ministers of the Atlantic provincial government departments responsible for environmental regulation. The MOU, which is periodically renewed, establishes a mandate to harmonize the management of brownfields and petroleum hydrocarbon-impacted sites in the region. Atlantic PIRI is also tasked with maintaining Atlantic RBCA technical and scientific tools.

Purpose and Functions

Atlantic PIRI’s work facilitates the adoption of a harmonized, risk-based approach for managing sites impacted by petroleum and other contaminants in the Atlantic region. It serves as a forum for identification and discussion of issues, develops standards and processes, and provides recommendations for continued technical and regulatory harmonization across Atlantic Canada.

As set out by the MOU, Atlantic PIRI’s core functions are to:

  1. Provide ongoing maintenance of the Atlantic RBCA model so it can continue to provide a sound scientific basis for impacted site management in the Atlantic region;
  2. Establish an organizational structure and process to facilitate dialogue and discussion between all members that will contribute to the improvement and harmonization of petroleum hydrocarbon impacted sites regulation and brownfield redevelopment policy in the Atlantic region; and
  3. Provide an ongoing forum for Atlantic PIRI members to discuss technical issues affecting contaminated sites management in the Atlantic region with an established technical capacity to analyze these issues and develop potential solutions.

Atlantic PIRI’s work has been recognized by the Community of Federal Regulators’ Regulatory Excellence Award for Best Practices (2006) and the Canadian Urban Institute’s Brownie Award for Policy and Programs (2006).


Atlantic PIRI relies on its members’ scientific, technical, and regulatory expertise to fulfill its mandate. The partnership is comprised of representatives from three primary groups:

Atlantic Provincial Environment Regulators
Regulator members include individuals from each Atlantic provincial government department responsible for environmental regulation.

Industry members include petroleum industry representatives from member companies of the Canadian Fuels Association. While representation from Atlantic jurisdictions is preferred, the organizations (and industries) represented by this group may change at the discretion of Atlantic PIRI and its partner organizations.

Regional Environmental Consultants
Consultant members represent environmental consulting companies and have a working knowledge of the regulatory process in each Atlantic province. Membership from this group may change at the discretion of Atlantic PIRI and its partner organizations.

Each partner organization is represented by at least one individual. Additional representation from any partner organization is at the discretion of Atlantic PIRI. Atlantic PIRI may include members who serve as liaisons with other levels of government or have expertise that contributes to the work of Atlantic PIRI. Other individuals or representatives may also be invited to participate as general contributors or as members of a specific task or project group on an ongoing or short-term basis.

Please refer to Atlantic PIRI Terms of Reference for more detail on the structure and function of Atlantic PIRI.
